My daughter Kel called me today absolutely distraught. Seems like our granddaughter Mikael's little bunny rabbit Marbles had been bitten by a spider and died just as Kel got him to the vet!
My youngest daughter Nikki had only just bought Marbles a couple of weeks ago for Mikaela's 2nd birthday next Tuesday, so it was a real shock to all of us.
Anyway, think it will all end well. As Mikaela was asking where Marbles was, the little family held a funeral for him this afternoon so Mikaela understood (well, sort of ...) that Marbles got sick and went to heaven.
And, as all happy endings go, Aunty Nikki came to the rescue ... a visit to the pet store, and a new Marbles Mark II was delivered safe and sound to his new home, and into Mikaela's heart.
All is good with the world again .... aaahhhh
Hooray for happy endings