Wednesday, June 9, 2010

WOW! TWO nominations in the 2010 ABC Awards!!!

Imagine my surprise, arriving home after a very stressful and long day travelling to read my emails and find out that not one, but two of my creations had been nominated for the 2010 Australian Bear Creations Awards!!!

How very exciting - these wonderful international awards are sponsored annually by the Australian Bear Creations magazine.

Congratulations to all of the other nominees - it's a real honour for me to be in such esteemed and talented bear artist company.

Here are my two nominees:

Bosco B Bear - Category 4 (small bear - undressed)

and La de Dah - Category 3 (small bear - dressed)


  1. Congrats!! Not one but two, what amazing news!

  2. Congratulations Margaret!!! I've set up an album for nominees on the Guild, I hope you will upload your pics for inclusion.

  3. Hi Margaret - your bears are beautiful! -I still have not received my copy of the mag - Well done on your 2 nominees
